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Thursday, February 08, 2007

"The Forward" on Itche Kadoozy

It seems that the Itche Kadoozy fan club just does not stop. Following the recent Newsday article, The Forward picked on this story too and ran an article about Chabad.org's unique show.

Check it out here.

Aside from a lavish description of our luxurious office space, comes this:

“I always imagined as a kid that I’d continue doing fun things with animation,” Taub explained. Then, three years ago, Chabad.org hired Taub to do animation for its Web site, and he brought the early seeds of the show that he and Goorvich had developed as weekly “webisodes” for their own site. He began filming episodes, based on these characters, that taught basic concepts in Judaism, then he went on to produce a full year of “Parshah Reports” (a show within the show, conveying the weekly Torah portion as a comic news report). This year he’s been focusing on longer holiday series. Although Taub works on a very small budget and handles every aspect of production himself — from writing, taping and editing to recording voice-overs and sewing — the show has become a popular hit for thousands of fans, Hasidim and non-Hasidim alike.


(Next show, anyone? Sigh.)


At 2/27/07, 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sigh no longer - the weekly Jono is back! :)

Two Words: Totally wasome!


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