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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Your Opinion Wanted

The staff of Chabad.org strives to serve every Jew, no matter where he or she may be, with quality Jewish information and inspiration—and a dose of entertainment, too.

In recent days, our geographically scattered editorial team gathered in New York City for a two-day conference. During our time together we asked lots of questions, shared lots of ideas, and charted some of the future course of our website. With G-d's help, in the coming months you should notice improvements and new projects emanating from these discussions.

However, the bulk of our decisions are still waiting for you to weigh in on, as this site is yours:

How can we improve the site for you? What content are you seeking but cannot find? What can we do to make our presentation more user-friendly for you? How would you like to see Chabad.org develop and expand in the future?

Let your voice be heard. We assure you that we will read and consider seriously every suggestion.

Please click here to share you suggestions.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

My Little Princess

Do you recognize the voice of the scared child calling out in the middle of the night? "My Little Princess" is a short animated clip produced by Chana Weisberg, drawing parallels between the frightened child who wakes up at night yearning for her mother's closeness, and the frightened child within each of us.

Click here to watch "My Little Princess"