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Monday, July 27, 2009

Chabad.org on Twitter

Chabad.org is now on Twitter!


If you have a Twitter account, follow us! We will be posting short updates about the site and its constant updates, in the short format that only Twitter can do best!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Live Siyumim Online

It is customary to participate in a "siyum" celebrating the completion of a section in Torah during the days that we mourn the Temple's destruction.

Chabad.org will be offering live siyumim, by a variety of well-known and dynamic speakers, throughout the Nine Days and will continue until the 15th of Av--the holiday which celebrates the "upward rebound" from Tisha b'Av.

The Rebbe spoke of the need to shine a beacon of light on these days of darkness through participation in a siyum, and encouraged the use of radio to allow those outside the room to participate too, multiplying the a thousand-fold.

The siyumim will begin at 7 p.m. EST Sunday through Thursday, Friday at 12PM, and on Motzei Shabbos at 10:15 pm EST. They will also be accessible in archived form.

Click here to participate in the online siyumim.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Rabbinical Students on the Loose

Roving Rabbis

What is it like to be an air-traffic controller?

A video-game tester?

An x-ray technician for zoo animals?

A taster for a chocolate factory?

Ah, if only all the holders of unusual job titles and doers of unusual things had blogs so we could get the inside scoop.

Luckily, a cadre of these rare individuals are stepping into the breach, providing a window into their world. Who are these folk?

Job title: Roving Rabbi.

Job description: Rabbinical students are paired up two-by-two by Lubavitch World Headquarters, and hit the road. Armed with kosher food, idealism, and humor, they fan out across continents and visit Jews in thousands of communities.

What's it like? Read all about it. Blog posts are supplied by rovers worldwide, from Croatia to the Caribbean.

P.S. The number one reason to check it out--there are pictures!